People Ask Their Parents How To Cook A 25 Lb Turkey In A Microwave And Here Are 27 Hilarious Responses

With Thanksgiving quickly drawing closer, pictures of simmered Turkeys develop like mushrooms after rain. It wouldn’t be Internet in the event that somebody didn’t think of a test for this American occasion, thus numerous guardians around the nation were rapidly sent into fear and episodes of facepalming as their youngsters asked for “help” with cooking a 25lb flying creature. In spite of the fact that it is conceivable to cook a turkey in a microwave (and some swear it tastes quite great), numerous moms in the reactions were completely astonished by such prospect and offered their very own time-tried formulas. While others truly endeavored to help their “poor” posterity in a bad position. Look down beneath to check everybody’s responses and keep in mind to remark and vote in favor of your top choices!
